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Giant Spider Creeps Into Sydney As Carnival Kicks Off Halloween 

With a new survey finding that Halloween is increasing in popularity down under, Carnival Cruise Line has kicked off this year’s celebrations in a truly Aussie way.

On the eve of Halloween, the cruise line’s Australian-based superliner Carnival Spirit has crept into Sydney with a giant spider on its bow.

Carnival Spirit creeps into Sydney with a giant Redback 13

But this morning’s spooky visitor is no ordinary spider – to add an Australian bite to the US tradition, it’s a massive Redback that’s two-storeys high (6m) and 10 metres wide.

A recent Halloween survey by Carnival Cruise Line found that half the nation is afraid of spiders, with creepy crawlies topping the list of things that most scare them – well ahead of public speaking, heights and the dark.

Carnival Spirit creeps into Sydney with a giant Redback 6

The survey of more than 1000 Australians also revealed that a fifth of respondents believe October 31 is about scaring people, with more than a third saying they get dressed up as something scary like a witch or a ghost.

Carnival Cruise Line Vice President Australia Jennifer Vandekreeke said when they realised Australian-based superliner Carnival Spirit would be in Sydney on the eve of Halloween, they couldn’t resist getting in on the act.

Carnival Spirit creeps into Sydney with a giant Redback 8

“As an American cruise line, we could be accused of going a bit OTT with Halloween. It’s a big event across our 24-ship fleet - including our Australian-based superliners Carnival Spirit and Carnival Legend - and we wanted to share some of that frightful fun with Sydneysiders by doing something big that screamed Aussie Halloween,” Ms Vandekreeke said.

Carnival’s Halloween survey found that 71 per cent of Aussies feel Halloween has become more popular in recent years, while a fifth would like to see October 31 become a public holiday.

Carnival Spirit creeps into Sydney with a giant Redback 2

Other key findings include:

* About a third (31 per cent) of respondents get dressed up and go trick or treating on Halloween

* 42 per cent of respondents believe Halloween is a chance for kids and adults to have fun together

* Almost 40 per cent of respondents celebrate on October 31 by throwing or attending a themed party

* 61 per cent of Aussies have lollies at the ready for trick-or-treaters 

* Almost 60 per cent feel trick or treating is best left to kids aged 13 or younger, although 28 per cent say you’re never too old to get involved

Carnival Cruise Line will also be ‘treating’ one lucky winner and three of their friends to a free cruise, in a one-day-only ‘Name the Spider’ competition run via their Facebook and Instagram accounts. Sydneysiders are invited to come down to Circular Quay between 9am and 3pm to take a photo of the giant spider and give it a name via Instagram using the hashtag #CarnivalHalloween. They can also enter on the CarnivalOz Facebook page by submitting a spooktacular name in a comment on the competition post.

For tips on how to make the most of Halloween, visit

Information supplied by: Carnival Cruise Line, Australia.

Cruise The Seas Travel And Media, Cruising Australia The HOME Of Australian Cruising!


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