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First On Board App For P&O Cruises Australia, Set To Be A Hit For Social Media Savvy Cruisers.

With many cruise lines now introducing a way to be more social media savy, and making crusing more accessable, Australia’s leading cruise line, P&O Cruises Australia has launched its first onboard app. The app is called WhatsOn it allows the guests to plan their daily and nightly activities, make bookings and share all their cruising holiday experiences in real time throughout their cruise.

The WhatsOn app will be free on personal devices when you are connected to P&O Cruises Australias' Wi-Fi, the best thing about this is that it will not cost you any money to connect to the WhatsOn app [ Interface ]. WhatsOn app provides will provide a new way for cruislings on board to stay in touch with their family and friends during their cruise.

The app will allow families and friends travelling together to send messages to one another, check in and ‘like’ locations as well as recommend activities, ensuring no one misses out on any holiday fun. 

Guests can also book shore tours with a few clicks, check their onboard account, view special promotions available across the ship and keep up to date with the latest news from around the world. 

With the app also providing the daily schedule of activities for the entire cruise, guests can book their preferred activities online and create a wish list for each day. 


P&O Cruises President Sture Myrmell said the app would revolutionise onboard customer service. 

“We’re delighted to be able to offer this easy-to-use technology free of charge to all our guests to help them stay connected during their holiday and provide easy access to onboard and shore experiences. It’s as simple as connecting a personal device to the P&O Wi-Fi and opening a browser to discover everything WhatsOn has to offer,” Mr Myrmell said.

“Never again will our guests suffer from FOMO or wonder which restaurant or bar their friends are in. This app will be the new must-have item for all P&O guests.”

The new WhatsOn onboard app has been succesfully rolled out on Pacific Eden, Dawn, Jewel and Pacific Pearl. P&O Cruises Australia have said that Pacific Aria set to come online later this week.

The cruise line is also rolling out new cash kiosks which will allow guests to transfer money onto their cruise card without needing to queue up at the front desk.

“Australians are getting more and more used to self-service so we thought it was time to bring more of it onboard. We hope that by empowering our guests to organise some elements of their cruise quickly and easily through technology, they’ll have even more time to enjoy their cruise holiday.”

For more information visit, call 13 24 94 or see a licensed travel agent.

Information supplied by: P&O Cruises Australia.

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