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P&O Cruises Australia Named As Australia’s Most Trusted Cruise Line !

P&O Cruises has continued its winning streak, retaining its position as one of Australia’s most trusted brands for the fourth consecutive year.

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The cruise line has been named as Australia’s most trusted cruise line in the Reader’s Digest 2016 survey of Australia’s Most Trusted Brands announced this week.

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P&O Cruises President Sture Myrmell said he was thrilled that P&O Cruises had claimed the title yet again.

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“The past twelve months have been huge for us. We’ve introduced our two latest ships Pacific Aria and Pacific Eden, announced the very first new-build ship exclusively for the Australian market and revealed details of the next addition to our fleet, Pacific Explorer,” Mr Myrmell said.

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“Throughout that time, we’ve worked hard to offer a quality, contemporary product that speaks to Australian cruisers and our continued recognition in these awards is a wonderful vote of confidence in our brand”.

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The annual survey has been operating for 16 years as an independent survey of the Australian public. This year, 65 categories from biscuits to banks were featured in the largest survey to date, with more than 2400 people surveyed. For more information visit

Photos Credit: Brian Gaskin Of Cruise The Seas Media.

Information supplied by: P&O Cruises Australia.

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